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We are passionate about showing you who Jesus is. Whether it is in our own neighborhood or across the globe, we can tangibly express God’s love for humanity through our ministries, outreach projects and mission trips. Join us as we extend our mission beyond our walls and share the love of Jesus in our local and global community. We are strategic about reaching the Lakeland & Tampa area for Christ.

Adult Ministries

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Our adult ministries cover a ton of subjects, ranging from Men's & Women's Ministries, to Marriage, Family, College and Singles Ministries. If you have any questions about any of these ministries, please feel free to contact us and we can point you to someone who can help out. 

Contact us with any questions.  Also, check our Events page for upcoming Adult Ministry events.

Food Pantry

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LifePoint aims to serve our community and through our Food Pantry, we are able to encourage, support, and uplift those in need.  We plan to open our Food Pantry on October 30th, stay tuned for more details.

If you need assistance, please let us know and we will be happy to help your family.  Additionally, we are always seeking volunteers to help.

Children's Ministry

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Our goal with The Treehouse at LifePoint is to provide caring teachers in a safe, secure, clean environment where children learn how to love, experience, follow, and grow in a relationship with God. 

We hope and pray to make a lasting impression on each and every child, so they may have every opportunity possible to learn about and follow God.

On Sunday morning, the children will have a time of worship together that includes a Bible story and praise songs. There is also a time to apply the Bible story through activities in small groups.  All staff and volunteers working in The Treehouse at LifePoint, have been fully vetted and screened to ensure safety and security.

LP students Youth Ministry

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LP Students meet every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room at LifePoint.  For the protection of our youth, all staff and volunteers have been fully vetted and screened for safety and security.

To learn more, contact our Director of Youth Ministries, Owen Kenney.  For more information on LP Students, click here.