LifePoint Communities

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Though each Christian has a personal relationship with God, that relationship is not individual or private. The Christian faith is not intended to be lived in isolation. We were made to live in fellowship with God and with each other. The local church is not merely a place that we attend but a people to whom we belong. The Bible calls us members of the body (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) with the expectation that we contribute to the body for the glory of God and the good of His people.

Secondary Title

Small Groups

Small Groups are an essential part of our church, as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. Below is a list of our current Small Groups. Please feel free to contact any of them if you have any questions, or are curious about space in their group.


    What to Expect:

    This group is open to all adult men. We meet on Monday evenings from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm and from 8:00 pm to 9:00 9:00pm. Feel free to join either group.

    Contact: Pastor Brady Brinson

    Location: LifePoint Church - Fellowship Hall


    What to Expect:

    We are currently reforming our Women's Small Group.  We will have more information in the coming weeks.

    Let us know if you are interested by emailing us.

  • young adults

    What to Expect:

    Our Young Adults Small Group is for those that have started their adult lives, single or married.  Our YAMs group hangs out, play games, goes to the movies, and of course we talk about God.  

    Contact: Elizabeth Whitted